13 Going On 30
Ordinary World - The thriteen year old Jenna is trying to get through life as a teenager. She wants to be "30 flirty and thriving".
Call to adventure- Jenna's call to adventure comes when Matty gives her a dollhouse that grants her a wish, to be 30.
Refusal of the call - At first Jenna trys to get away, she doesn't want to be 30 and go to work. She wants to be back with her parents. She doesn't like her new life.
Meeting the mentor - In this movie Jenna's mentor is her old friend from junior high, Matty. Matt helps her understand her role in this new world and how to survive in it.
Crossing the threshold- Jenna crosses the threshold when she finally accepts that she is 30.
Tests, allies, enemies- Jenna's main test in this new world is to learn who she is and what she wants in life. She has to redesign a magazine and while doing it she discovers who she is. Her biggest enemy is lucy, her co-worker and friend from high school. Jenna soon discovers being friends with Lucy is what has made her life such a mess. Jenna makes lots of friends along her journey. The neighbor girl, her assistant, Matty, her boss, etc.
Approach to the Inmost cave- After Jenna is done making her magazine with matt, she realizes she is in love with him, the problem is that he is engaged. Jenna has to figure out a way to get him to back out of his marriage.
The ordeal Jenna gets in a taxi to stop matt before the wedding, time is running out. She decides to hop out of the cab and run to the house. She goes up to Matty's room and tells him she loves him. He tells her there lives have gone different ways and its not going to work out.
Reward Jenna's reward is insight and knowledge. She has learned from her mistakes and she realizes what is important in life.
The Road back When the wind comes and the magic dust is blown on Jenna, she wishes that it can all go back to the way it was so she can fix her life. Her wish is granted, she wakes up as a 13 year old.
The resurrection Now that Jenna is back to 13 she knows what she wants and works hard for it. The final scene is her and Matty married and living in her "Dream" house.